Construction Collage

A playful and collaborative workshop, on the topic of construction to respond to the challenges of climate change.

Objectives of the Construction Collage

Give the maximum of information in 3 hours to help the construction sector transition.
Be accessible to the maximum of people.
To alert on different issues: climate change | biodiversity | pollution | resource depletion.
To provide knowledge: to give data awareness of the orders of magnitude and ressources.
To make us consider our real needs and then the courses of action.
To have a global vision of the curent impact of the construction sector on our environment.
Who is it for?

Everyone is concerned by climate change and biodiversity loss. Construction Collage was therefore designed for people with an interest in the construction sector as well as for all construction professionals: the former will discover the subject and deconstruct their prejudices, while the latter will go deeper and question their practices.​

Why? Because the climate emergency requires us to change course very quickly. One of the keys is understanding the problem.​

The data...

Building techniques and regulations vary greatly between countries and regions. We’ve gathered global data and local illustrations to raise issues.

The sources come from the following reports: IPCC, ADEME, GlobalABC, AIEA, FAO, WHO, ACAN, LETI and many more.

How do we play?

The game is very simple. The players are in teams of 4 to 8. They have cards representing the different components linked to the construction sector and work together to find the cause and effect links by theme by positioning them and linking them together. A facilitator supervises one or more teams in order to guide them during the workshop, ensure good communication between the members and give additional explanations.

For more information, see the Construction Collage website.

This workshop will be facilitated by Arthur Thirion, a trained facilitator who is volunteering for this event. A ticket price is requested to contribute to the train ticket for Arthur who comes from Biel. Any surplus will be donated to the Construction Collage association.


Wo: WWF Schweiz, Hohlstrasse 110, 8004 Zürich Route anzeigen

Kosten: Full price: CHF 15.00, Reduced price: CHF 7.00

Kontakt Ansprechpartner: Fresques Zamies & Co

18.01.2024: h - h

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